Citizenship by Investment

Malta Citizenship by Investment

Acquisition of Maltese Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment (MESDI)

12 to 36 months
Citizenship receiving time
Main Contribution
Investment type
EUR €600,000 - EUR €750,000
Investment amount 
Family Members Inclusion
Passing Citizenship to Future Generation
187 incl. USA
Visa free countries
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Malta Citizenship by Investment
Malta Citizenship by Investment

Launched in 2020, the Malta Citizenship by Investment program, formerly known as the Malta Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment, continues to attract high value investors and their families to Malta. This EU island is home to lucrative investment opportunities, fabulous neighborhoods, and opportunities of a lifetime. 

After just a short one to  three year residency and an EUR €600,0000 - 750,000 investment, you and your family can qualify for Malta citizenship. By acquiring Malta citizenship by investment, you can enjoy one of the strongest passports in the world, world class healthcare and education, as well as great financial investment opportunities.

Key Benefits of Malta Citizenship 

Malta is a beautiful island with a low crime rate, a very desirable place to call home. With its strong economy and powerful diplomacy, it offers investors a chance for hassle free travel and a secure living environment.

Malta Citizenship by Investment
Malta Citizenship by Investment

Schengen area

Enjoy visa-free travel to over 187 countries all over the world including the United States of America, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, as well as the entire Schengen Area with a Maltese Citizenship. 

Freedom of Settlement in EU and EEA

Acquiring Malta citizenship by investment grants you and your family the right to travel, reside, work, and invest in the European Union and European Economic Area. 

High-Quality Healthcare Access

Malta takes care of its citizens with comprehensive healthcare that delivers first-rate treatment and preventative care. Much of healthcare is covered and low-cost treatment options are available for all. 

Dual Citizenship Opportunity in Malta

Get your Malta citizenship by investment without needing to resign from your other citizenships. Malta allows for dual citizenship with no strings attached. 

Business Opportunities within EU 

Expand your business to other member states of the EU with a Malta citizenship. Investing in Malta citizenship expands your business’s global potential into some of the biggest economies in the world. 

Access to the Public Education Sector 

With high-quality education at a low cost, your family will benefit tremendously from Malta citizenship. They get access to the entire EU education system without needing any special permits. 

The requirement to Obtain Citizenship in Malta through Exceptional Services by Direct Investment

Main Applicant 

The Main Applicant must be over 18 years of age.

Family Members

Children, including those from previous marriages, may be included in the citizenship application. Children must be under 29 years old,  unmarried, and dependent on the investor.‍

Parents who are over 55 years old can also be included in the Malta citizenship by investment application process.

Investment Amount 

To be eligible for Maltese citizenship, applicants must meet distinct criteria from residency, property engagement, direct financial investment, to philanthropic contributions.

In order to begin the citizenship process, the applicant must reside in Malta for 36 months. Some exceptional circumstances allow for a 12-month period, depending on direct investment of EUR €600,000 or €750,000. This has to be done before naturalization, however after having been approved in principle by the government.

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As outlined in the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services (S.L. 188.06), applicants must make an investment of EUR €600,000 or €750,000 depending on the circumstances. Your advisor will guide you on which investment meets your needs.

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Property purchased for Malta citizenship by investment should be valued at no less than EUR €700,000.

Alternatively, the option to lease a residential property in Malta necessitates a minimum annual rent of EUR €16,000. The leased property must be deemed suitable for the applicant and their dependents, with maintenance extending for a minimum period of five (5) years from the certificate of citizenship issuance.

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A donation must be made to a qualified charity or NGOs of no less than EUR €10,000. These organizations range from philanthropy, culture, sports, science, animal welfare, art, or any other entity endorsed by the Agency. This donation must be fulfilled before the certificate of naturalization is issued.

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About Malta

Geographically situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, it provides easy access to profitable markets in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The growth of the Maltese economy is being fueled by a number of important industries that draw FDI from abroad and fair regulations that promote growth. 

Malta's extraordinary quality of life, in addition to its economic potential, is what makes it so attractive. Low crime rates, attractive tourist spots, and great weather make it an ideal place to live. Furthermore, Malta has great connectivity, with established air routes making it easy to get to and from the island.

Total Area
316 km2
The first villages formed in 5,000 BC
English and Maltese
About Malta
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Receiving Process

Secure a trusted partner, compile essential documents, apply, invest, and receive.

Process of Receiving Maltese Citizenship

Secure a trusted partner, compile essential documents, apply, invest, and receive.

Step 1: Appointing trusted Partner

Opt for a reputable and experienced partner to assist you in navigating the Malta citizenship application process from the start to avoid headaches. The experts of Mirabello Consultancy know the ins and outs of acquiring Malta citizenship by investment, streamlining the process. With a preliminary background check and due diligence, you will be off to a strong start.

Step 2: Residency Application

Mirabello Consultancy is with you every step of the way in your Malta citizenship by investment process. Once the administrative process is completed and the right property is rented locally, all adult applicants need to travel to Malta to provide biometric data and personally apply for their residency. Two weeks later the residency cards will be issued and shipped to the applicants. At this stage the applicant is a legal resident of Malta and can live in Malta as well as travel across the Schengen area. A minimum of 12 months legal residency is required before the applicant can be naturalized.

Step 3: Eligibility Application

After the residency status is confirmed by the government agency, Mirabello Consultancy experts are going to actively work on the eligibility application preparing all requested government forms and supporting documents, ensuring they meet all Malta citizenship requirements. The eligibility application pack will be submitted remotely to the governmental agency, Community Malta Agency. Then the governmental agency would conduct an enhanced due diligence on each applicant and return to us with further requests if needed for its final decision. This can take between 4 to 6 months. 

Step 4: Approval in Principle

With approval in principle, the applicant's family is set for Maltese citizenship. All that is left is for the  Main Applicant (Investor) to finalize the exceptional contribution (EUR 600,000 (36 months Residency) or EUR 750,000 12 months Residency) in addition to the Charity Donation of EUR 10,000 and a 5 year promise to continue renting or purchasing a property in the country. Mirabello Consultancy will help you get everything done during the first year of residency. 

Step 5: Obtaining Approval and Securing Citizenship

Once all the investment parts are done, the Agency will confirm its satisfaction and invite the main applicant and the family to the country for the official naturalization ceremony and collection of their new travel and identification documents (Passports and ID cards).


Clear and crisp answers to some burning questions you may already have

Can I retain my original citizenship when obtaining a Malta passport?

Yes, you can retain your original citizenship when obtaining a Malta passport. Malta allows dual citizenship, meaning individuals can hold citizenship in more than one country at the same time. This offers advantages such as maintaining ties to your home country and facilitating travel and business opportunities.

What is the minimum investment required for real estate in Malta?

The minimum investment requirement for real estate in Malta is now at least €700,000 EUR; it reflects a significant change in the eligibility criteria for the Acquisition of Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment. It's important for potential applicants to be aware of these updated investment thresholds and to consult with experienced legal professionals to ensure they meet the Malta citizenship by investment current requirements.

Are there any language requirements for obtaining a Malta passport?

There are no specific language requirements to apply for a Malta passport through the Acquisition of Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment Program. It's crucial to remember that language requirements might change over time, and it's possible that the program's requirements have changed since then.

We advise contacting trusted agencies like Mirabello Consultancy and talking to our legal and immigration experts who specialize in Malta citizenship by investment applications if you want to learn more about the language requirements and other requirements. 

What are the documents that I need to present when obtaining citizenship in Malta? 

A comprehensive set of documentation is required throughout the application process for the Malta citizenship by investment program.

Application for a Residence and Citizenship consists of the following main documents:

  1. Electronic Identity Registration Form: Providing essential personal information.
  2. Image Capture Application Form: Capturing biometric data.
  3. Rental Declaration Form: Documenting the applicant's place of residence in Malta.
  4. Health Insurance Documentation: Ensuring adequate healthcare coverage.
  5. MRQ Form: Collecting health-related information, completed by a medical professional.
  6. Declaration for the Submission of the Citizenship Application: An official statement of intent.
  7. PDFEE Form: Document providing information about family, education, and employment.
  8. SSFW Form: Declaration of Income, Net Worth, and Source of Funds.
  9. Declaration of Business and Corporate Affiliations: Disclosing professional affiliations.
  10. Declaration of Tax Residency Jurisdiction: Reporting tax residency status.
  11. Dependency Declaration: Verifying dependents.
  12. De-Facto Partner Declaration: For partners in a de-facto relationship.
  13. More Documents are needed depending on the applicant's personal situation.

‍If you want a complete rundown of the required documents for a Malta citizenship by investment,  contact our experts at Mirabello Consultancy. 

Is the Malta passport a European Union passport?

Yes, a Maltese passport is indeed a European Union (EU) passport. Malta is a member state of the European Union, having joined the EU on May 1, 2004. All Malta citizens are also EU citizens, and they enjoy the rights and privileges associated with EU citizenship. This includes the ability to live, work, study, and travel freely within the EU member states, as well as access to various social benefits and protections afforded to EU citizens. The possession of a Maltese passport grants individuals the advantage of EU citizenship, making it a valuable travel and identity document within the European Union.