March 22, 2024
Citizenship by investment programs

A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining Citizenship in Grenada

Obtaining citizenship in a foreign nation can provide people and families with new options and horizons. It's a life-altering decision that can lead to improved education, healthcare, and a more stable political environment. Grenada, a gorgeous Caribbean nation famed for its stunning landscapes, inviting environment, and vibrant culture, is one such intriguing alternative. Whether you want to broaden your horizons, improve your worldwide mobility, or provide a better future for your loved ones, Grenada's Citizenship by Investment Program will help you get there.

Grenada, often known as the "Island of Spice," is not only a tropical paradise but also a wise choice for obtaining a second passport. Its Citizenship by Investment Program is a well-established route for those seeking to build a presence in the Caribbean while reaping the numerous benefits of being a Grenadian citizen. We will go deeper into the complexities of this program in this detailed guide, walking you through the eligibility criteria, investment alternatives, application procedure, and the incredible benefits that come with Grenadian citizenship. 

Why Choosing Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program

When the possibility of obtaining Grenada citizenship presents itself, it is critical to investigate the special benefits that make this Caribbean jewel the premier choice for second passports. Let us look at the precise characteristics that distinguish Grenada as the best option for people seeking citizenship

Investment Options

Understanding the financial obligations that come with Grenada citizenship is critical. Grenada provides specialized citizenship by investment options to meet a range of preferences of investors.  You can make a non-refundable donation of at least USD 150,000 to the National Transformation Fund or invest in authorized real estate projects worth at least USD 220,000. Grenada's citizenship program ensures that you can achieve your citizenship ambitions with ease and flexibility.

Tax Advantages

Navigating the complexities of tax consequences is a critical concern while applying for Grenada citizenship. Grenada has an appealing fiscal environment with reduced tax requirements, allowing you to optimize your financial well-being and benefit from a more advantageous tax policy.

Stability in Every Economic Aspect 

Grenada's geographical and political stability is a key component of its allure. The country's long-term political stability, paired with its strategic location in the hurricane-free southern Caribbean, provides a secure foundation for your family and interests. Grenada's dedication to protecting your future as a citizen is evident in the peace and prosperity it provides.

Visa-Free Travel 

One of the key and most popular reasons for acquiring Grenada citizenship is the unique freedom it provides for global travel. Grenadian citizens have visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 145 countries across the world, including popular locations in Europe and North America. With a Grenada passport, you have easy access to the rest of the world, making your travels more streamlined and convenient.

Dual Citizenship 

Dual citizenship is permitted in Grenada, therefore you can simultaneously hold citizenship in your home country and in the two countries. Through this policy, people are able to take advantage of all the advantages and rights associated with dual citizenships, including the freedom to travel, work, and live in either nation as well as access to a range of benefits and opportunities.

Choosing the Investment Option in Grenada in 2023

When considering Grenada as a destination for your second citizenship in 2023, one of the most important considerations you'll have to make is which investment option to pursue. Grenada provides flexibility in this regard, with two basic pathways for obtaining citizenship: NTF contributions and real estate investment. 

National Transformation Fund (NTF) Contribution

The NTF is a government-managed fund dedicated to financing various development projects in Grenada. By contributing to the NTF, you not only support the nation's growth but also secure your path to Grenadian citizenship.

Investment Amount: In 2023, the minimum non-refundable contribution to the NTF is USD 150,000 for a single applicant.

  • Speed: The NTF option typically has a faster processing time compared to real estate investments. Well as it requires no dedication afterwards.
  • Flexibility: You are not tied to a specific real estate project, giving you greater investment flexibility.


  • Non-refundable: The NTF contribution is non-refundable, so be sure of your decision before committing.
  • Government Oversight: Your contribution is subject to government oversight and is used for specific projects determined by the government.

Real Estate Investment Option in Grenada 

Grenada allows investors to obtain citizenship by investing in approved real estate projects. This option offers the chance to own property in Grenada, which can serve as a source of income or a vacation home.

Investment Amount: In 2023, the minimum investment in approved real estate is USD 220,000. This investment must be held for at least five years.

  • Tangible Asset: You gain ownership of a valuable asset in Grenada, which may appreciate over time.
  • Rental Income: If you choose to rent out the property, it can generate rental income.
  • Family Inclusion: Real estate investments can include family members in the application.


You must retain the real estate investment for a minimum of five years.

How to Choose the Right Investment Option for You

With our team at Mirabello Consultancy, we ensure that every investor selects the most suitable investment option by tailoring it to their unique requirements. When making the decision on the right investment option in Grenada take into account the following considerations

Financial Situation: Our first step is to evaluate your financial situation. Carefully assess your budget and long-term financial objectives to determine which investment option aligns seamlessly with your resources and goals.

Investment Goals: Define your investment goals clearly. Are you primarily interested in securing citizenship, achieving a return on investment, or acquiring property in Grenada? Knowing your objectives is pivotal in making the right choice.

Family Inclusion: If you plan to include family members in your application, factor this into your decision-making process. Certain investment options may be more accommodating in terms of family inclusion.

Eligibility Requirements for Grenada Citizenship by Investment Program 

If you want to become a Grenadian citizen, you need to meet certain criteria that the government has set out for you. These criteria are the starting point for finding people who are qualified to become Grenadians. Let's take a look at the main eligibility requirements.

Age Requirement

First and foremost, the principal applicant must have reached the age of 18 or older to be considered eligible for Grenada citizenship.

Financial Capacity

Applicants must demonstrate their financial capability to meet the necessary investment requirements. Moreover, it is imperative that the origin of these assets can be clearly substantiated and verified.

Clean Criminal Record

Individuals who have previously been convicted of a criminal offense in any jurisdiction, where the maximum penalty is more than six months of imprisonment (unless they have been granted an unconditional release), will not meet the eligibility criteria for Grenadian citizenship.

Health Assessment

Both the primary applicant and any family members included in the application must be in sound health and free from any communicable diseases. This requirement is confirmed through a medical practitioner's certificate.

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship

Grenada comes with many benefits which can have a direct influence on your life and safety. 

Grenada passport holders enjoy visa-free travel to 147 countries, including major Asian cities like China, Hong Kong, and Singapore, as well as access to Europe's Schengen Area and the United Kingdom, making global travel effortless.

Unique among Caribbean Citizenship By Investment programs, Grenada has an E-2 Investor Visa Treaty with the United States, offering opportunities for working visas and potential U.S. residency for Grenadian citizens.

Grenada's tax-friendly policies, including untaxed global income, dividends, interest, and royalties from foreign sources, along with no inheritance, capital gains, income, or stamp duty taxes, enhance financial stability and prosperity.

Grenada citizenship is transferable to future generations, ensuring a lasting legacy and continued benefits for your family.

The program extends its benefits to a wide range of family members, including spouses, children under 30, unmarried siblings over 18, parents, and even grandparents of the main applicant.

Grenada prioritizes the confidentiality of the application process, safeguarding personal information with no disclosure or exchange with other governments.

Grenada offers a business-friendly environment with no foreign income, wealth, gift, inheritance, or capital gains tax, promoting thriving businesses through incentives like corporate tax benefits and import duty exemptions.

Grenada embraces dual citizenship, allowing individuals to maintain their existing citizenship while acquiring Grenadian residency, a valuable advantage for global citizens.

Understanding the Tax system

Grenada is a great place to invest if you want to make the most of your money. Here's a quick look at what you need to know when it comes to taxes in Grenada.

Property Tax

Grenada imposes an annual property tax that is based on a percentage of the property's market value. This property tax rate can be increased to 0.8% of the property's value, ensuring that property owners pay the national revenue in a fair and transparent manner.

Income Tax

Grenada's income tax system is intended to be equitable and friendly to both residents and investors. Income is taxed based on its source: income obtained from sources within Grenada is subject to income tax. Grenada has two income tax rates to choose from: 10% and 28%, with the applicable rate determined by the amount of income.

Tax Residence in Grenada

The rates and the tax base depend on whether you're an investor or a company. A person can become a tax resident if they live in Grenada and spend more than 183 days a year. Companies can also become tax residents if they're based in Grenada or have their headquarters there.

Application Process of Grenada

First Step 

If you're looking to get citizenship in Grenada, Applicants must first contact an experienced consultant that informs and fully guides out through the entire process. As a trusted partner, Mirabello Consultancy will supply you with a thorough application pack with all necessary papers and step-by-step instructions.

Second Step 

Once you’ve connected with your chosen partner, you need to start preparing the necessary paperwork for the process. This includes completing official paperwork, getting a medical exam, and getting specific documentation. All documents must be submitted in English and be legally certified. If you decide to invest in property, you’ll need to reserve it through a sales and purchase agreement. Our legal consultant will help you choose the best investment program according to your requirements.

Third Step 

Once you’ve completed all of the required paperwork and documents, Mirabello Consultancy will submit your application to the Grenada citizenship executive office where we will handle all communication regarding your file including any questions or concerns you may have. The Grenada citizenship by investment program requires an interview.

Fourth Step 

Once the applicants go through the necessary steps, they'll get the citizenship permit after the confirmation. But during this time, investors need to make sure they finish their investment by the deadlines provided by the Grenadian Government. Once they've made the full amount, we'll help them apply for a Grenada passport, which they'll get within 4-6 months of applying.


What is the Minimum Investment Required?

The minimum investment necessary to gain Grenada citizenship varies depending on the investment choice chosen:

Contribution to the National Transformation Fund (NTF): The minimum non-refundable contribution to the National Transformation Fund for a single application is USD 150,000. Learn more about the investment amounts. 

Real Estate Investment: The minimum necessary investment in approved real estate projects is USD 220,000 if you choose to invest in real estate. It is critical to note that this investment must be held for a minimum of five years.

Do I Need To Live In Grenada After Getting My Citizenship?

No, you don’t have to live in Grenada once you’ve become a Grenada citizen through the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. Grenada has a flexible citizenship regime that doesn’t impose residency requirements on its residents. As a result, you can enjoy the benefits of being a Grenadian citizen without having to live there or have a physical presence in the country.

This flexibility is especially appealing to people who are looking for second citizenship because it allows them to enjoy many of the same benefits as full-blown citizenship, such as the right to travel visa-free and access to financial resources, while still having your primary residence in your home country or somewhere else.

Is It Possible To Apply For Grenada Citizenship Without A Licensed Agent?

If you're looking to get citizenship in Grenada, you'll need to work with an authorized agent or local lawyer. The citizenship authorities there usually want you to submit your application through an authorized representative who knows all the ins and outs of the program. It's not always possible to do this directly, but it's important to follow the program's rules and get the help of an attorney to make sure everything goes smoothly and in line with Grenadian laws.

What Are the Grenada Passport Costs?

The cost associated with obtaining a Grenada passport through the Grenada Citizenship by Investment program includes various fees and investment options. The investment can vary from one investor to another, however, the full costs will fall between USD 180,000 to USD 300,000 for the main investor. 


Let’s discuss the details

Schedule a meeting at one of the offices or online.  We will analyze the situation, calculate the cost and help you find a solution based on your goals.
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