March 22, 2024
Citizenship by investment programs

Grenada Citizenship | How strong is the passport?

Grenada's passport is considered one of the strongest in the Caribbean region, providing visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 145 countries, including the United Kingdom, Schengen Area, China and many more.

One of the key benefits of obtaining Grenadian citizenship is the ability to live, work, and study in the United States through its E-2 Investor Visa treaty. This unique advantage makes it an attractive choice for those looking to expand their business interests or provide educational opportunities for their families in the US.

In addition, Grenada's passport is considered relatively strong, particularly within the Caribbean region. It provides visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 145 countries, making it a valuable travel document for its holders. This access includes many desirable destinations, such as the United Kingdom, Schengen Area countries, China, and various other nations, allowing Grenadian passport holders to travel internationally with ease. 

Investment Options

Real Estate Investment

One of the primary ways to obtain Grenadian citizenship is through real estate investment. Investors can purchase approved properties, contributing to the growth of Grenada's tourism sector while securing their place in this tropical paradise. Real estate investment in Grenada also offers the added benefit of potential rental income from the property, making it an attractive option for those seeking both citizenship and an investment return. The government of Grenada carefully selects and approves real estate projects, ensuring they align with the nation's development goals and maintain high standards, making it a secure choice for investors.

  Main Applicant  Couple  Family 5+ 

Investment amount 

US  $350,000 / 220,000 US  $350,000 / 220,000 US  $350,000 / 220,000

For each option other total fees parent under 

US $4,000 US $8,000

+ US $50,000 per parent under 55

+ US $25,000 per parent over 55

+ US $75,000 per sibling 

Due Diligence 

US $5,000 US $10,000

+ US $5,000 per family member

National Transformation Fund (NTF)

The National Transformation Fund contributions are channeled into various development projects, including infrastructure improvements, healthcare, education, and sustainable initiatives, benefiting both Grenada and its citizens. One of the advantages of the National Transformation Fund route is that it offers a more straightforward and expedited path to Grenadian citizenship without further commitments. This is what makes it an even more attractive choice for those looking to acquire citizenship in a shorter time frame. The specific investment amounts required for the National Transformation Fund option may vary depending on the number of family members included in the application, and it's essential to consult with authorized agents or government authorities for the most up-to-date information on the investment thresholds.

  Investor Spouse Family 5+ 

Investment amount

US $150,000 US $200,000 US $200,000

Total other fees 

US $4,000 US $8,000

+ US $50,000 per parent under 55

+ US $25,000 per parent over 55

+ US $75,000 per sibling 

Due Diligence 

US $5,000 US $10,000

+ US $5,000 per family member

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship

Visa-Free Travel

Grenadian citizens have visa-free access to numerous countries, including the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, and China. This enables hassle-free international travel for business and leisure purposes.

Economic Benefits

Grenada offers favorable tax policies, including no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax, and no wealth tax. This makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors seeking to grow their wealth.

Business Opportunities

Grenada's business-friendly environment encourages investment and entrepreneurship. With a stable economy and supportive government policies, the country provides a conducive atmosphere for business growth.

Educational Opportunities

Grenada boasts reputable universities and educational institutions. Obtaining Grenadian citizenship can open doors for quality education for your children at these institutions.

High Quality of Life

Grenada's high standard of living, healthcare system, and low crime rate contribute to an exceptional quality of life for its citizens.

Citizenship for Family Members

Grenadian citizenship can be extended to family members, including spouses, children, and dependent parents, providing a secure future for your loved ones.

Dual Citizenship Considerations

Grenada allows dual citizenship, making it possible to retain your original citizenship while enjoying all the privileges of being a Grenadian citizen.


Let’s discuss the details

Schedule a meeting at one of the offices or online.  We will analyze the situation, calculate the cost and help you find a solution based on your goals.
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